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2003-01-13 - 3:12 p.m.

So, I'm waiting for Contradictory Guy to come back and try and make a key for my dad's old Honda Scooter. It's a 250 Honda Elite. It looks like a Vespa on steroids. Only not as cool. We're hoping to get it running again, but Cannot find the key anywhere. My dad stopped riding it several years before he died because his eyesight was so bad. We went through all his keys, but finally had to give up and call in a locksmith. Anyway, Contradictory Guy looks like Chris Farley....only more disheveled and kind of greasy. And, no boyish smile. He called to tell me he was coming by and kept cutting me off when I tried to explain where the turnoff to our house is....

Him: I know the area. I'm down the street. I'll just come down Des Moines.

Me: Actually we live on a dead end and Des Moines doesn't connect. If you take (Our Street).....

Him: I know the area, I grew up around there. I'll take (Our Street).

Me: Alright, it's hard to see the turn-off. There's a sign....

Him: (interrupting) I know the area.

He showed up 45 minutes later. Mm hmm.

Then, he couldn't find a matching key or something. When I went out to greet him, he was grumbling and digging around a pile of keys on the floor of his big, white van. He said he was going to have to go to his home office to get the right key or mold or something. I told him a couple people had told us it would be a tricky lock to replace. He said "No, it'll be easy. It's an easy one." Okay. Actually, this is the second locksmith that has come over. The first guy couldn't find a key that would work. AND, he also looked like Chris Farley...only more disheveled and kind of greasy. He did have the boyish smile.

We've exchanged a total of about ten sentences and I believe he's corrected me as many times. His lady friend is riding co-pilot. I bet she's wrong a lot.

Anyway, he went back to his home office "by the river." That's where he is right now....down by the river, in his white van looking like Chris Farley. Beautiful.

I will wager big money we will NOT have a key to the scooter by tonight.

Whoop. He's back. Better go say something wrong.

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