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2003-01-07 - 8:44 p.m.

I have some advice. If you are all panicked and need someone to do something for you, and that person tells you they will, and they tell you it will take a couple days, and a couple days is MORE than sufficient to meet your deadline.....don't tell them they could do it quicker if they knew how to do C++ coding. And, for god's sake, in the holy name of all that is pure and good, don't say, "but with your skill-level your way is probably the fastest." I know you would never do that.

Here's some more advice. If someone comes to you with a deadline and they're all panicked and in their panic, they insult your "skill level," go to your big high-level developer friend and ask if they're full of shit. And, when you find out that they are full of shit....take a little time for yourself and enjoy a diet pepsi and a granola bar. You deserve it. And then, finish up those projects for the nice people on your project list. Then buckle down and do the panicked crabass's job.

I tell you what....that ruined my whole day. I think my whole day was doomed to start. I'm feeling ultra-sensitive today and I was not in the mood for crap. I'm sure she was just trying to justify her late delivery of the project by implying that I could do it faster if I had better coding skills. Ha! I say to her. I have almost no coding skills. Coding is not my job. She can bite me.

So, most of my day was spent stewing. And, feeling crabby in general. It's a busy time at work right now and it seems as though everyone is on edge.

And Sonny is out playing soccer so I couldn't even whine.

When I got home, Baby Lou and I read We're Going on a Bear Hunt four times in a row (minus the boring parts) and that made me feel a bit better. Then, she pulled my shirt up and tried to blow a raspberry on my belly, but she got confused, and she's not that good at blowing raspberries to start, so she ended up just spitting on my belly. When I responded with a tortured, "Ew! Baby Lou!" and a sad face....she cranked her fists by her eyes and said, "Wah Wah!" I don't know what kinds of hormones rush through a parent's body. My feelings make no logical sense. All I know is...I was down. I was moody. And she spit straight on my belly, and then she mocked me, and it made me so proud. Baby Genius. I love that kid.

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