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2003-02-28 - 1:39 p.m.

Last weekend was gruesome. On Saturday night every food bit in my body decided it needed out Immediately. I don't know if I had a stomach virus or food poisoning or what. The next day my mom watched Lou because Sonny had to take a bunch of pictures of championship games and do other soccer stuff. Being the loving man that he is, he did come home on one long break to bring me movies (Run Lola Run--thumbs up! and Scotland PA--didn't get the chance to watch) and ginger ale and lock me out on the back porch. That's right. I jumped in the shower and went to sit on the deck and get some fresh air because I thought my headache could have something to do with being holed up all morning in the dark and Sonny came out and gave me a kiss goodbye and locked the sliding glass door. The Jackhole. So...fresh out of the shower, wet hair, sweats, no shoes, blanket around my shoulders, locked out. I could not believe it.

I ended up having to spend about 45 minutes at my neighbors (ugh) waiting for the key to arrive. Sonny is SO lucky I wasn't wearing my big-ass, not-cool glasses when I got stuck out there. I couldn't find my regular glasses (also not-so-cool, but far less horrifying) before I took the shower. Luckily, I put my contacts in before I went out on the porch. It's bad enough to go shoeless and wet-haired and sick to the neighbors, there's no need to add big-ass, shockingly unattractive glasses into the mix.

The visit only encouraged the relationship that I've been trying to discourage. The next day, my neighbor showed up with a stuffed singing duck for Lou and brownies for us. Her insistence that we be best buddies is truly starting to creep me out, but I have no idea how to stop it. It's not like I'm reciprocating. She's sweet on one level, but we have NOTHING in common and some Very different views on life. She likes to talk about "the gays" or "the Mexicans" or whatever other group she can lump all together and theorize about and she wears massive amounts of blusher. (The problem with the blusher part is shallow, I know, but it's very distracting. For a long time, I thought she was just an alcoholic). I am so unresponsive that I CANNOT believe she's interested in being my friend. She's always saying, "I love you guys" and giving me hugs and crap like that. The "I love you" stuff started happening before we had even had a conversation. We'd just said hello a couple times as we were getting in and out of our cars. That's creepy, no? I need to grow a backbone and start being more outspoken with her and get over my pathetic fear of being not liked. She is just so freakin' pushy. Subtlety is not working.

Alright, it's time to get busy. I've already wasted half of Lou's nap.

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