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2003-03-04 - 8:08 p.m.

Lou has started to call everyone �Baby.� It kills me. �Thank you, Baby.� �Bye Bye, Baby.� Too cute. Sonny and I both call her �Baby� and occasionally call each other �Baby� or �Babe� so she�s probably just thinking everyone is �Baby.�

The flu or whatever I had last week has taken up residency in my throat and I now have the cough from hell. I�m so glad I don�t smoke anymore. I remember lingering coughs. They were no fun. At least now I don�t feel responsible when I start hacking away. Lou has actually started mimicking me by walking around the house saying, �Mama� and then fake coughing. It�s amazing to watch her use her limited vocabulary to communicate.

Today at work, I started coughing as I was talking to a woman I work with and she kept saying�."Are you okay?" Then she threw in �Do you know the universal sign for choking?� and proceeded to do that little motion with both hands at her throat. Lord. That started a laughing fit on top of the choking that about made me drop to me knees. Do I know the universal sign for choking? How about turning beet red and coughing up a lung? I think there should be a universal sign for...I'm choking a little bit. Give me some space. DON'T give me the heimlich. There's nothing to force out; I'm choking on my own saliva, here. Some water would be nice. Now I can add �Choking Fit� to the list of uncontrolled things I�ve done in front of colleagues lately. A couple weeks ago I was in a meeting and my nose started bleeding. If that doesn�t spell professional, I don�t know what does. The good thing is I don�t think anyone had the illusion that I was particularly professional. I think the nosebleed was just the result of how amazingly dry I�ve been lately.

Not much else to report this week. I�ve been thinking a lot about babies��worrying about Baby G (and her parents) and her upcoming surgery and getting excited to meet Baby Grabass (due on the 15th of this month). G�s surgery is on the 1st of April. It�s fairly routine, but it sickens me to think of her having to be operated on. They�re repairing a dime-sized hole in her heart. I�m so excited for her to be more comfortable. She�s thriving (smiley, interactive, doing all the things a 9-month-old should do), but this will make her breathing easier and I�m hoping it will also help her pack on some chubby.

That�s it for now. Hope you�re enjoying your evening. And, when you lotion up this evening�go ahead and put a touch of Vaseline up the old nostrils. Don�t let winter dryness make you bleed inappropriately.

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