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2002-11-21 - 9:25 p.m.

I've got an announcement...

Grabass is a girl.

This may come as a surprise to her parents, Andy & D, especially since she is still in D's belly and the ultrasound was inconclusive, but I'm telling you....girl. Sonny and I were discussing this baby the other night and he referred to her as a she. We immediately looked at each other and knew. There you have it. Bets anyone?

Can o' Worms Update

Here's the message my intermediary left on my answering machine....

Hi [Elsee],

This is [Sugar] from WARM. I checked with the birth father file and I find that he did die in '95. When I spoke to the family, they appeared to have um..drinking problems. Uh, Hopefully, er, or, if you want me to contact them again, if you feel like you would like to do that....please give me a call and we'll see what we can do...

I called to ask her what it was that made her suspect drinking problems. She apologized that she'd left a message. She thought I already knew he'd died. Why would I open a search if I knew he was dead? She said she remembered the conversation that took place around '95. (Wow.) She called in the afternoon and it sounded like there was a party going on and people were drinking (ah, drinking sounds). The guy she spoke with told her he was dead. He was very inquisitive and friendly and drunk. Then he said, "We buried him in the backyard," and cracked up. Sugar thought that was odd. As do I.

I got to thinking. This guy's own dad described him as "up to no good." Maybe he thought she was a bill collector? Or someone from his past that he didn't want to see. (Heh heh.) Solution? He's dead. We buried him in the backyard. Haw Haw. It's the only explanation I have without conceding my relations are hillbillies. And, even then, "not hillbillies" would be a stretch.

Here are my questions:

1) Why did she contact anyone in '95? My case closed in '92 or so. She says she can't remember. Fair enough.

2) Why did she just take some drunk guy's word for it? While we were talking, this occurred to her, and she's doing a search through state and national death records.

I know at this point I should probably back away slowly, but I can't. I want to know his full name. I don't know why.

Bring a load a RC Cola.

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